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Candle Magick 2: How To Dress A Candle

  • Post category:Candle Magick
  • Reading time:14 mins read

In part two of our series on Candle Magick, learn about correspondences, what dressing a candle means and how to dress a candle.


In my first post, WHAT IS CANDLE MAGICK, we looked at where this magick technique comes from, how it works and who can do it. We discussed that the effectiveness of candle magick is all about how strongly you can impart your will, your intention, energetically onto the candle. So that when it burns, it can carry your intention into the Aether or to the Universe to manifest. 

To help strengthen your energetic intention and the power of your working, you can use a magickal system of correspondences, traditionally called sympathetic magick

What Are Correspondences?

Correspondences function like keys that combine to unlock and tap into energies that aid us in putting forward our intentions.

‘Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Correspondences’, Sandra Kynes

Correspondences refer to the energetic vibration, alignment, connection or relationship of something to something else. 

Our brains function using correspondences, connecting like to like. It is how we understand the concept of consequences, through the connection to actions to results. 

Over thousands of years, esoteric knowledge of magickal correspondences has been built up, refined, passed down and added to. Tables of correspondence can be found for planetary alignments, plants, colours, numbers, and more. It is a web of energetic interconnectedness.  

What Is Candle Dressing?

You can utilise the power of correspondences by incorporating them into your candle. By adding different elements all aligned to the same vibration and energy, you greatly enhance your ability to manifest the intention you are aiming for. In candle magick, we call this “dressing” a candle.

Dressing candles

Dressing refers to the application of corresponding herbs, oils and symbols to the candle.

For example – the colour black, a safety pin, black tourmaline, the Algiz rune, peppercorns, rosemary and Cape Beech bark all share a similar property of protection. They all vibrate strongly with protective vibes and have in some way, shape or form been used for some kind of protection since ancient times.

Example: Candle Dressing For Protection

  • Use a black candle. 
  • Engrave the Algiz rune onto the sides of the candle using a safety pin, thorn or porcupine quill. 
  • Apply an oil and herb mixture consisting of rosemary, peppercorns and Cape Beech bark. 
  • Place a black Tourmaline crystal at the base of the candle.
Black protection candle dressed

Preparing To Dress A Candle

Before you dress a candle, you should begin by cleansing all the items including the candle, the space, yourself, and any tools you will be working with. Gather everything together and use a smudge stick, incense stick or a cleansing spritzer to purify and remove any negative or unwanted energy. Another way to cleanse negative energy and purify everything is to play a sacred sound instrument (like a singing bowl, bell, tinchas or drum). Visualise any unwanted or negative energy dissipating and blowing away like smoke.

Once everything is nicely cleansed, sit with your eyes closed for a moment and focus on your intention for the candle. Visualise the outcome you want in your mind as clearly as possible. Feel yourself connected through the soles of your feet to mama earth. And above the crown of your head, your energetic connection to your Higher Self and the Higher Realms. You might like to ask your Spirit team (angels, guides, ancestors) to be with you and assist you.

Dressing The Candle


You can use a pre-prepared oil and herb mixture, or make it now. Mix any dried herbs and botanicals in with your choice of oils, using a mortar and pestle to grind everything into small pieces if not already done. Set them aside to meld together like a marinade.

Making herbal oil


Engrave any symbols you’ve chosen into the wax. If the symbol is complex or unfamiliar to you, you might want to draw it onto the candle before you engrave it.

You can use any symbol that relates to your intention – like a dollar sign for a wealth working, the eye of Horus for protection, a spiral for change/transformation, a water drop for cleansing, etc. Here are some examples of symbols and magickal alphabets you can research:

  • Runes
  • Ogham
  • Theban Alphabet
  • Alchemical symbols
  • Magic squares

The tip of a knife, a wooden skewer or a knitting needle all work well for carving into the wax. Work slowly while holding the meaning of the symbol clearly in your mind. Our Mystic Candles range of colour intention candles have flat sides specifically to make engraving easier.


Now take your oil and botanical mixture and use your finger or a paintbrush to dip into the oil mixture and smear it onto the sides of the candle. Again, focus on your intention while you do this. This process is referred to as anointing. You can also use the mixture to anoint any crystals or other objects you’re using as part of your dressing. 

Your candle is now dressed and ready to be lit! If you prefer, you can wrap your candle in wax paper to set aside until you are ready to light it.

Dressed candles wax paper
Candle Magick 3: Burning An Intention Candle

Read Next:



In part three of our series on Candle Magick, learn how to perform candle magick by burning an intention candle.


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